Impulse Buying, RPG edition

So, I was in the mood for some retail therapy the last week for a lot of reasons, none of which have real bearing for the purposes of this post, but for me retail therapy often has a big impact on my gaming collection. Most of what I purchased were second-hand, used wargames (including All Quiet on the Martian Front , In Her Majesty's Service , and Field of Glory ) but I also bought two RPG's, one used on eBay and another new. The used one was the most recent edition of Traveller. I bought this on the spur of the moment because of a comment one of my players had made recently to me about how the group rarely roleplays, and by that she meant do anything that wasn't a combat action. And she's right--fight scenes are the bread and butter of my gaming group, although that's slowly changing. But my thought at the time was that combat in Traveller isn't quite as common, is more dangerous, and isn't the core theme of the game (being a merchant marine and...