RPGaDay 19: Favorite Supers RPG


No question.

Now I will say I have a lot of love for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, more than the next guy (unless he's the guy writing the Plot Points blog), but MHR has a distinct flavor that does a great job emulating comic books, but over the long term tends to start to feel bland.  While I own it, I haven't played Icons, but I suspect the same thing with that game as well.

Does Champions have its problems?  You betcha.  It's got eight million ways to screw with the rules and build over-powered PC's (another reason I hate the internet sometimes).  But with the right players and the right mindset?  It's a great game.

Now for a true confession.  I can not "get" Mutants & Masterminds.  Other people love this game.  I get the feeling that is the literary heir to Champions, so to speak.  But something about the rules doesn't click with me.  It's not that I dislike the rules, I just am having a tough time wrapping my head around them.  Maybe I'm getting old and crotchety or something.


  1. I'm thinking that if people are in a hurry they can just go and read your blog OR mine instead of both.

    Most of the answers to this years Challenge are very similar, LOL.

    1. You're my gaming brother from another mother.

    2. So you two need to run an online Champions game. Other spots filled up with readers of both your blogs. *innocent whistle*

  2. I think the single biggest point of difference for me between Champions and M&M is the way damage works. Champions is more like a bunch of other RPGs where you (hopefully) get to roll a big bunch of dice and say "I did 150 points of damage" but in M&M your "damage" is a modifier to another roll, rather than a permanent batch of smack. It changes the flavor of combat quite a bit if you're used to doing it the other way. It's only one part of the differences but it comes up a lot in play.

    1. I wish there was someone in the area who run it, because I feel like this might be one of those moments where playing it for twenty minutes would be better than reading it for three hours.


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