The Mystery RPG Box of Mystery: Round 2

The next three books out of the Mystery RPG Box of Mystery are: Dungeon Master's Guide , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition Player's Handbook , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth , Advanced Dungeons & Dragons It's like I'm in a D&D Time Machine, hurtling backwards! If you don't know AD&D 2nd Edition, it was probably the D&D that most of Generation X grew up on. We were a little late to the Basic/Expert D&D game or even AD&D First Edition (which came out in the late 70's when I was still in grade school). AD&D 2nd Edition with its multi- and dual-classing tomfoolery and the eventual rise of both Dragonlance and the Forgotten Realms really marks my generation's Dungeons & Dragons experience. In fact, I'm pretty sure I own both of the rulebooks already, somewhere. In my own experience, AD&D was pretty much the staple until point-based systems like GURPS and Cha...