I continue to contemplate the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game , and my biggest stumbling block has to do with whether or not, should I ever run it, to use Marvel Comics' own universe or a homegrown one. Licensed universes, regardless of genre, have their pro's and con's. The pro's are that you have a background familiar to at least some of your players and a load of pre-generated characters. The con's are that the PC's are relegated to second-tier figures in comparison to the established protagonists, or at least start significantly less powerful than they are. With MHR's very fuzzy ruleset the power discrepancy is less of an issue, but the otehr's remain. Plus, there's the fact that really well-informed players have a tremendous knowledge of the universe far beyond what the PC's would, and you end up with some meta-gaming issues. Homegrown universes have the plus of avoiding all the fore-knowledge issues of pre-generated ones, and you can t...