RPGaDay Bonus: Zak S's questions
Zak S (from over at the Playing D&D with Porn Stars ) has his own RPGaDay questions, which were pretty interesting, and so here's my answers: 1. Worst game you ever played "Played"? Not just owned, or ran? I mean for "owned" I could go with the Whispering Vault . For "ran" I could say. um... Rifts ? Played? I haven't played in that many RPG's, truth be told. I'm more a GM. And I've liked most of them. Let's say TORG . 2. Interesting rule embedded within otherwise baleful game While I'm not the biggest fan of hit location charts, if you want one the clear-plastic-overlay-on-top-of-body-silhouette from Millenium's End is a lot of fun, if just for the suspense of it. 3. Game you never played but you knew it sucked just looking at it Zero 4. Game you most wish didn't suck Rifts. I'm pretty excited that Savage Worlds got a hold of the license, although it might count as a sign of the apocaly...