Friday Night Recap: Genderbend edition
Emma took a turn behind the GM screen this last Friday. Emma is one of our young adult players, the daughter of the other players in the group. Emma wanted to run a little interlude adventure for the D&D group that just liberated Grimfest, but in a weird twist had everyone playing their PC's as if they were the opposite gender (the explanation being that this was a parallel universe to my campaign's universe). The set-up? A kingdom's day of celebration is interrupted by a bitter arch-mage with an axe to grind about the king and queen. After monolouging he stole the city's giant magical gem that provides health and well-being to all. For a first adventure it went really well, with some fun non-combat gameplay and real effort to involve everyone. The only problem was that the story went pear-shaped when instead of staying on track my PC (a human barbarian named Maartje who was making her first appearance) didn't ask the dragon where the arch-mage's...