The superhero campaign gets going
I've been talking for a while about starting a superhero game now that the previous "home game" of D&D had wrapped up last year. For a while I had been planning on running Champions, mostly because I thought it would be fun to run a game that meant so much to me as a college student and might promote long-term play. But as it turns out (to the surprise of few) Champions was difficult to teach and difficult to make NPC's. Between the holidays and a bunch of stuff at home nothing was happening and the game seemed to be stalling out. But then I found Bash, a fairly simple supers RPG that was easy to teach and easy for me to make villains, etc. Two weeks ago I ran a test session of Bash, using 1940's WW2 characters. It was a big hit, and suddenly the WW2 session, the PC's the players had been trying to build for Champions, Bash, and the book The League of Regrettable Heroes all jelled together into what appears to be the first session of a campaign. ...