Lost Girl (TV show review)
Lost Girl is a Canadian television crime/supernatural drama show featuring Anna Silk as Bo, a succubus who is introduced to a hidden world of creatures called the Fae who appear human (for the most part) but who are much more. Bo was raised by humans, unaware of her nature and suffering from the fact that anyone she is intimate with would be drained of their life. After rescuing Kenzi, a Russian transient con artist, Bo is discovered by two Fae who work for the local police department. Surprised that she was raised apart from the Fae, the two detectives Dylan and Hale bring her into the Fae community. The Fae are divided between Light and Dark, not necessarily Good and Evil, but more Lawful and Chaotic. All Fae feed directly or indirectly on humans, but as one Light Fae put it, "we're like Native Americans. We respect our prey." Bo refuses to become part of either society, since both are bound by strict codes of conduct, but instead becomes a rar...