My "One and Done" RPG List: Fantasy Hero

When: 1991 GM: Andrew Capsule: a horrific collision between the immovable GM preparation and the irresistible PC creation phase. The Story: My college gaming group had been playing Champions out of the Big Blue Book like nobody's business, sometimes even two campaigns at once. But fantasy had been dying off as the 2nd Edition of D&D was really beginning to show its age and so many new games were coming onto the market. The fantasy genre still had its fans in our gaming group, and when Fantasy Hero came out Andrew saw a chance to take a popular game system and meld it to a fantasy book series he really enjoyed. And for the life of me I can not remember the series, except that it was this high fantasy that takes place in historical Europe complete with the Christian Church and this family of people with magical/psychic powers and some such thing. Andrew went all out on the planning, compiling a huge three-ring binder of material detailing the culture and backg...