RPGaDAY 2016 Day 30: Ideal game room

Describe the ideal game room if the budget were unlimited.

Isn't it "was unlimited"?  Whatever, let's go big!

First, the Vizier table.

The company has a larger, more ornate table called the Sultan, but that's over the top.

Speaking of Sultans, though, for the "we don't need a table" RPG's, let's throw in a few Sultan bean bags.

From here's it's down to details: a smartboard, a minibar with sink, and plenty of wall-mounted shelving for books, miniatures, and terrain.  And decent AC/heating with airflow, because some times people have been messing around with skunks before coming to the gaming table (you know who you are...)


  1. Hopefully without being excessively pedantic, but I think that it is "were" (subjunctive tense, since it's an imagined reality).


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